The voucher is valid for 1 year from the date your purchased it.
No, you can only use the gift voucher for 1 reservation.
If you don’t use the full amount of the voucher during your visit, the remaining value is lost.
You can use the gift voucher any day.
Yes, please add a note when you make a reservation.
Or mention it to our hostess when you arrive at the restaurant.
Surprise someone special with the ultimate dining experience at Mami Rose.
Choose from our selection of gift vouchers, available in amounts of 2,500 THB, 5,000 THB, and 10,000 THB, perfect for celebrating any occasion.
Whether it’s a romantic dinner, a family gathering, or a festive celebration, Mami Rose gift vouchers are your ticket to a memorable night out.
Perfect for any occasion, a night at Mami Rose is guaranteed to be filled with delicious dishes, a lively atmosphere, and a beautiful decor inspired by Miami in the ’80s
The Goodtime Restaurant